Oh, how can I describe the longing
That fills my heart and my soul
It is a dark cloak that lies heavy over me
And I cannot shake it off
It is an ache and it weighs on my shoulders
Through every waking moment
And lies beside me on the pillow
Through the endless hours of the night
It is a cloud that always blocks the sun
It is my constant companion
In a world filled with shadows

When once everyday was the first of spring
Filled with love and life and living
With laughter sprinkled everywhere
Like wild flowers and heather
When pleasures shared, multiplied
And the simplest were the most treasured
Our songs were neverending
Until one day, the music died

Oh, how I long to smell the ocean
And run together in the sand
I long for the sound of the rain on the roof
Sitting by an open fire
I long for summer mornings
I long for winter nights
God, I long for the foolish little things
But most of all
I Long For You

by  Roma Downey
This page made on the 25th May 2001
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